Current Teachers

Learning to teach CS is not only possible, but it can be fun and empowering.

What concepts and skills does CS teach?

Computing covers a lot of powerful ideas. Just one of those is coding. It also includes:

  • Computational thinking, which is a way of thinking about processes, procedure, and abstraction in nature and life.

  • How the Internet works.

  • How software is envisioned and created.

  • How we capture, store, and analyze data.

  • How computing is shaping society.

In fact, there are many aspects of computing that aren't about computers at all. You can learn more about important CS concepts by reviewing Washington state's CS standards in different grade bands, the CS Teachers Association (CSTA) standards that they were based on, or by browsing the AP CS Principles course's big ideas.

What are some simple ways to get started?

Where can I get professional development?


  • is offering CS Discoveries and CS Principles training on June 27- July 1 (in-person) and August 1-5 (virtual), and offering $1,500 scholarships. Register here.

  • Exploring Computer Science is offering professional development and $1,000 scholarships August 1-5 in Yakima, WA. Register here.

  • Skill Struck is offering one-year platform access to a CS course. Write Isaac Zeigler.

  • CodeHS is offering resources and tools for implementing CS courses. Contact Nate Huber.

Recurring Opportunities also maintains a list of professional development resources by grade band.

How I can ensure everyone in my class is learning?

All CS teaching should be inclusive to all students, regardless of their abilities. Some ways to ensure this include:

  • Contact the AccessCSforAll project, which provides advice to teachers working with students with disabilities, and several resources for learning how to teach CS to students with disabilities.

  • Use the accessible version of the AP CS Principles Curriculum, or the curriculum designed for students with specific learning disabilities such as attention deficit disorders.

  • Follow the best practices in Microsoft's guide on inclusive K-12 CS teaching. It covers:

    • Improving access to classes by ensuring every student sees CS as relevant to learn

    • Improving diversity by creating support for CS throughout your school and community

    • Designing inclusive classroom spaces to promote collaboration, active learning, and students with disabilities

    • Teaching inclusively by ensuring every student gets the feedback and encouragement they need to learn

    • Choosing inclusive curricula

How can I connect with other CS teachers?

See our Communities page for local places to connect with other CS teachers in your region of the state! There are more passionate teachers than you might think. And if you don't find a community to connect with, consider starting one by reaching out to one of the leaders of the state's CSTA chapters to see about starting your own chapter.

You can also visit CSforAll Teachers, which offers a virtual community of practice for preK-12 teachers interested in teaching computing. There are also many teachers on Twitter; follow the hashtag #csK8 for an hour-long Twitter chat on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays monthly 5 pm PT.

How can I stay connected with national K-12 CS education efforts?

How can I support students with disabilities to learn CS?

All CS teaching should be inclusive to all students, regardless of their abilities. Some ways to ensure this include: