Future teachers

Every child in Washington state needs a great CS teacher. Could that be you?

pathways to becoming a k-12 CS teacher in Washington

Washington State offers multiple pathways to becoming a certified Computer Science (CS) teacher. The best path for you depends on your prior education, experience, and career goals. It is important to understand the distinction between a certificate (a license to teach) and an endorsement (a specialization in a specific subject area)

pathways to becoming a k-12 CS teacher in Washington

Washington State offers multiple pathways to becoming a certified Computer Science (CS) teacher. The best path for you depends on your prior education, experience, and career goals. It is important to understand the distinction between a certificate (a license to teach) and an endorsement (a specialization in a specific subject area)

Certificates vs. endorsements: What's the difference?

In Washington:

Every K-12 public school teacher in Washington must hold at least one endorsement in addition to holding a valid certificate.

Approved Teacher Preparation Programs

Approved Endorsements

Here are some details about the approved endorsements in Washington state:

In addition to CS endorsements, some CTE Plan 2 certifications cover CS:

Key assessments you will encounter

Washington state uses several assessments for educators:

How do I become a K-5 CS teacher?

In Washington State, K-5 teachers teachers cover multiple subjects rather than specializing in one. Washington state does not yet programs that specialize in K-5 CS education.

How do I become a middle or high school CS teacher?

In secondary schools (grades 6 - 12), teachers teach particular subjects. There are two main routes if you want to teach CS at this level:

A Career and Technical Educator (CTE) Certificate is an alternative pathway to teaching CS in Washington. There are two ways to earn a CTE certificate. 

Already have a Teaching Credentials but want to add CS?

Additional ways to get CS teaching experience

How can I prepare for the CS endorsement exam?

How do I become a higher education CS teacher?

Unlike K-12, faculty at colleges and universities do not need state certification. However, some colleges and universities require a Ph.D., a master's degree, or significant experience teaching CS. Here are some pathways to becoming a CS teacher:

Why aren't there more programs that prepare CS teachers?

While higher education prepares a lot of teachers to teach Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Language Arts, and other subjects required in Washington state public schools, most of our state's universities do not yet prepare teachers to teach CS. A 2018 report by CS education experts from around the country recommended the following:

Washington state has only just begun these two efforts.